Answers to these frequently asked questions are intended to provide brief information relevant to your child's health. If you would like to speak with us regarding any of these topics, please do not hesitate to call us.
All You Need to Know
Fold the diaper below the cord stump, and do not immerse the baby in a bathtub until the cord falls off. While your baby's umbilical cord is still attached, sponge-bathe your baby with warm water and a mild soap like Dove™. As the cord begins to separate (at two to four weeks of age), it may begin to smell and look wet. Use a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol no more than twice a day to wipe the base of the umbilical stump. After the cord separates and the umbilicus dries up, you may begin giving your baby a full bath.
The newly circumcised penis looks quite red and irritated. As it begins to heal, it normally develops a yellow film over the head of the penis. It takes approximately five to seven days for the penis to heal. During that time, with each diaper change, apply a nickel size amount of Vaseline™ to the head of the penis to prevent it from adhering to the diaper.
There are certain steps you can take to ensure the safety of your home for your toddler and younger child.
Make sure that outlets are covered and that you have latches for your doors.
Remember that children are likely to put anything in their mouth, including coins and chemicals. They also put objects in ears, noses, etc.
While a younger child requires supervision, try to resist the urge to "over-protect." Allow the child space to explore, a crucial activity that fosters confidence and independence.
Keep matches away and hide sharp objects out of reach. If you have firearms, keep them locked away in a secure area, separate from the ammunition.
Use gates for steps going up as well as going down.
Supervise your toddler and child closely around water: bathtubs, pools, lakes, and even toilet bowls are very dangerous for toddlers who may fall in.
Bicycle helmets are recommended when riding a bicycle at any age and are required by law for children under age 17.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children traveling by car must be secured in a car seat or a booster seat until they are 57” tall (4ft 9in). The back seat is always safer, especially since front air bags pose additional dangers to children.
As your child gets older, television and electronic devices will likely become a major source of entertainment. Be certain to limit the time spent in front of the TV and to monitor the types of shows children watch. Do not use the smartphones, TV, videos, or video games as a "babysitter" or as rewards. Studies have shown a decrease in short-term memory and attention span in children who spend considerable time with electronic games and television. The Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents avoid installing TV sets in children's bedrooms and has discouraged any TV viewing for children under eighteen months of age. Instead, provide stimulating toys and games, building blocks, strategy games, and puzzles (with large pieces that cannot fit in the mouth, nose, or ears) for the child's entertainment. Playing with friends and inventing imaginative games is of utmost importance in allowing the child to develop thought processes and social skills that are necessary in life. Outdoor activities and sports are essential in providing the physical activity that will keep the body healthy at all ages. The most important thing you can do to prepare young children for school and to help them develop a good vocabulary is to read to them every day. Be sure to take an interest in your child's schoolwork. Preschool and elementary school teachers should let you know how your child is progressing academically and socially. Do not do children's homework for them, but show your interest in what they are doing and provide advice when needed. Be certain to communicate with the school if you have any concerns about your child's progress.
If you would like further guidance on the use of electronic media please see this link.
Yes! Because our practice cares for teenagers through the college years, we are well versed in many of the social issues that confront today's teens. Adolescents may often want to discuss certain issues without a parent present. Please do not feel excluded. Rest assured that we encourage healthy behaviors on the part of your child, our patient; we will likely be giving them the same advice that you are delivering at home. Confidentiality is very important to a teenager and we must respect their wishes; nonetheless, our first and foremost consideration is the safety, health, and well being of your son or daughter. We do encourage parents to stay closely involved in their teen's life.
We also encourage teens to allow their parents into their confidence as much as possible. Once our patients reach 18 years of age, the law requires that they direct their own medical care. We offer them a legal form in which they can specify who may be allowed to access their medical information.
Disclaimer: This website is intended to offer general information only. Nothing contained on this site, including third party content, should be considered a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis and/or treatment. Advocare does not assume liability or responsibility for any of the information contained on this website. Please consult your Advocare physician with more detailed questions and to receive specific diagnoses and recommendations.